
Gift – Not Charity! You care about people and we care about YOU…

By August 7, 201914 Comments

How many of you give charity? What even is a charity?

Charity is when you give money, food, clothes or any such thing to someone in need.  The purpose behind the charity is to be able to help someone in any way or magnitude possible.

There are many reasons why we should give charity.

Giving charity is a habit that if reinforced from a young age, can help in the personal and moral development of an individual. People who frequently give charity are known to be more selfless, generous, kind and empathetic than those who don’t. Once you are regular in helping and giving back to people, this trait will be observed and adapted by many individuals that surround you and are associated with you. This way, your charity won’t just be limited to one person or family, you will be helping the wider society by promoting good deeds and spreading the message of love and kindness.

As Thomas Aquinas, one of history’s most famous philosophers once stated, “charity brings to life again, those who are dead.” (Forbes)

Through charity, one does not only help the one in monetary need, but he also helps his own soul by bringing it closer to selflessness and morality.

The concept of charity holds great importance in all religions. In Islam, charity is beyond just giving money or clothes. Even if you treat a person politely, it is counted as a charity. As stated in a hadith, Your smile for a brother is charity. Your removal of stones, thorns or bones from the paths of people is charity. Your guidance to a person who is lost is also charity.” (Bukhari) (Forbes) (zakat foundation of America)

We all have always known the importance of charity and the benefits too and it’s pretty obvious that each one of us has given charity to someone in one way or another.

However, there is a small issue… sometimes when we know a person who may be in a financial crisis and we want to help them but still we know that they won’t accept that help in the form of charity. It is sad but it’s true that charity is often associated with monetary help to poor and nothing beyond that – which as we just discussed, is NOT true.

Nevertheless, for such sensitive relations and matters, there is another solution. Instead of handing them money or clothes or whatsoever, now you can gift them a GIFT CARD by Imtiaz Super Market.

These gift cards are super cute and come in attractive color schemes and designs. They are also handy and easy to carry and are available in multiple prices; 500, 1000, 2500 & 5000 – so you have an option. You can purchase one or you can purchase multiple. It is completely up to you!

This is the perfect way to express your care and affection for someone without fearing to offend them or driving them away.

With these gift cards, you also give the recipients the power to choose and purchase for themselves which will make them feel independent and powerful in a time when they might be feeling hopeless.

You care about people and we care about YOU!

So let’s join hands and spread the message of love and generosity with Imtiaz Super Market’s gift cards. A gift of love!

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